Saturday, September 14, 2019

August 2019 Wrap Up! ~

I really enjoyed this one! But I just wish there were a bit more romance in it!

4 stars!

Rereading this one really changed my mind about my previous rating. 

4 stars!

I loved this book! It was so romantic!
It's mainly just drawings of the author and his every day life for 365 days of him and his wife!

5 Stars!

I loved Quiet Girl In A Noisy World!
Once I heard. Once I heard about this book by Debbie Tung I just knew that I had to read it!
I relate to about every single page in this book. If you're as much as a reader as I am, you'll relate to it too!

5 Stars!

I honestly did not like this book. I try and try with poetry books but this one made me realize why I shouldn't read them. 

1 Star

Man. I loved this even more than the first volume!! I absolutely love this love story! Please read this graphic novel!!

5 Stars!

This is my first Sarina Bowen book and it won't definitely be my last! I already love Elle Kenndey but I was anticipating to see how this duo would work. 
It was fantastic! The sports, the romance, the secrets, everything! 
Wesley and Jamie both became new vook boyfriends!

5 Stars!

I really enjoyed this new take on vampires. But there was so much sexual tension in this!! I really got bothered by it because a moment would happen and then one of them had to leave or would stop halfway!!
When it finally concluded, I was just glad it was over with. 
I still enjoyed this and would like to read the rest of the series!

4 Stars!

I can't give anything away without spoiling this one so I'll just say that it was amazing, it made me feel all the feels, and I can't wait for the spin offs!

5 stars! 

I've had Blood Law on my TBR for the looongest time! I finally picked it and I'm so glad I did!
Shapeshifting wolves. Can you ask for anything better??
The duel between two twin brothers and one chosen one is absolutely the best!

5 stars!

I tried. I really tried. But this book just wasn't it for me. It's either Margaret Rodgerson or the genre Young Adult that's not working with me. Maybe I've out grown it??
Either way, this book was just terrible. 

1 star.

L.J. Shen has just became my new favorite author! I loved The Kiss Thief but this was something else!!
I loved everything about this romance novel!
It had just the right amount of angst that I was searching for!
Please pick up this series! You won't regret it!

5 stars!

Okay, so. I was really loving this book until it got towards the end. There was just too much dialogue and a neverending series of events that could've finished up quickly and been done with. The story dragged on and that's what took off one star from me. The begging was great but yeah, not that ending. 

4 stars!

Please let me know what was your favorite book that you read in August or what book you're gonna pick up in September! 

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